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Join Power of Us!


Power of Us amplifies the transformative power of people working together to impact social and political change.  We will redefine who leads and what leadership looks like - for today and the future - by supporting those eager to organize and lift up marginalized and disenfranchised communities through partnership and advocacy.


Power of Us will emphasize three pillars of activism - Vote, Run, Work – to foster civic engagement, support bold candidates at the federal level, and facilitate a diverse pipeline for those interested in electoral and issue advocacy campaigns.


Vote Ensure that every person is empowered and exercises their right to VOTE in order to impact social and political change.


Run Support leaders on key issues to RUN and elevate progressive policies that have taken a backseat for too long.


Work Identify and develop a talented and diverse community of activists, organizers and changemakers to WORK for progressive candidates and causes that lift up everyone and leave no one behind.   


There is power in all of us - together let’s Vote, Run, Work.

Let our legacy be what we build together

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